NECIC Staffing News and Highlights
Working under the table? Probably not a great idea....
March 1, 2018
It may seem like a great idea, but it could hurt you in the long run
Your Work History - It's Important
February 21, 2018
Filling out a job application or putting your resume together can be a daunting task. Who can remember what they were doing five years ago? But taking time to get your work history in order can pay off in the long run...
But I just filled out an application...
February 15, 2018
Facebook is a great way to reach potential associates, but their applications don't sync with our system or ask for the detailed information we need to match you with the best employer...
What does your social media say about you?
February 13, 2018
The way you show up in a Google search is how employers are going to view you, no matter how great you looked in that suit at your interview.
Training, Job Placement, and More with Elevate!
December 22, 2017
Professional development that works!
NECIC Staffingr: The Real Difference
November 16, 2017
Learn how we are different, and how we hope to make a change!
Free Classes, Resume Help, and More!
October 6, 2017
Do you need help with your resume? Maybe you need some computer classes to bring you up-to-speed for a new job?
Addressing A Criminal Background
September 29, 2017
Also remember that we at NECIC Staffing are here to help you, so if you are in doubt about something, give us a call and ask.
What to Expect at NECIC Staffing
September 25, 2017
NECIC Staffing staffing specialists, Matthew Ayers, Tionna Perdue, and Lead Staffing Specialist Tobey Roberts, are serious about finding jobs for applicants.
A Day at NECIC Staffing
September 20, 2017
Ever wonder what happens at NECIC Staffing? Get the inside scoop!