Webster for the Workplace
Sometimes work ethic is otherwise known as soft skills, work readiness or portable job skills.
There are tiers of soft skills, or work ethic, and foundational skills, on which all other skills are based.
Definition: Staying positive in every situation. Take control of the way you react.
Definition: Showing you’re reliable in every phase of your life. Be on time, every time.
Definition: Being professional both in the way you act, and the way you look. Choose to be a pro.
Definition: Taking initiative and adding value. Do more than the minimum.
Definition: Living honestly and having integrity with every decision you make. Refuse to rationalize
bad decisions.
Definition: Having respect and following direction. Be coachable and play by the rules.
Definition: Demonstrating your gratitude towards others. Provide selfless service.
-Provided by Workethic.org